1. Diploma in Yoga Education ( One Year or Two Year courses)

2. Diploma in Yoga Teacher /Instructor ( 1 or 2 year )

3. Diploma in Yoga Therapy (one Year )

4. Certificate Course in Yoga (6 month)

5. P.G Diploma in Yoga ( one Year Advance course)

6. P.G.Diploma in Yoga Therapy (one Year )

7. Certificate in Naturopathy ( 6 month )


Courses Deeply Details:

·  C.N.Y.T. (Formerly Upcharak) one year course

  1. Massage
    1. Thermal Massage
  2. Food Therapy
  3. Human Body
    1. Knowledge about Body Parts
  4. Health and Nature
  5. Various Diseases and their naturopathic Treatment

Certification in Naturopathy & Yoga Technique (Upcharak)

Course 2: Certiciate in Naturopathy & Yoga Technique (C.N.Y.T.)

One Year Course (formerly Upcharak)

Eligibility Criteria

Class XII (10+2) or equivalent or C.E.N.Y. Pravesh examimantion of the Parishad passed


A. Paper: First Paper

Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. Naturopathy: Definition and Philosophy
  2. Suntherapy (Chromotherapy):
    1. History, Introduction and Chromophilosophy
    2. Physiological use and limitations of different colours
    3. Charging of Water, Air, Oil, Raw Sugar, Glycerine etc.
  3. Mud Therapy
    1. Types of Mud: Black Soil, Yellow Soil, Red Soil, Domat Soil, Gangoti Soil, Multani Soil, Deemak Soil and Sand
    2. Application of mud in various disorders
  4. Water Therapy
    1. External use of water Simple whole body bath, Foot Bath, Hip Bath, Spinal Bath, Parineaal Bath, Shower, Jet Pressure, River Bath, Sea Bath
    2. Internal use f water-Gargle, Ear bath, Neti, Kunjal Shankhprakashalan, Enema
    3. Wet bandage and compress: Local and General
  5. Space Element
    1. Fasting: Methods and Benefits
    2. How to break fast
    3. Fasts in curing diseases
    4. Sleep and restoration
    5. Vital Power and Healing crisis
  6. Five Elements - Space, Air, Water, Earth
  7. Foreign Matters - Definition, Origin and Effects on Body
  8. Raw Eating - Method and Important
  9. Acute and Chronic Diseases - Definition and Clinical Features
    1. Shat Karm, Yog and Pranayam
    2. Asan - Katichakrasana, Tadasana, Konasana, Padamasana, Shavasana, Paschimaotansana, Ardhmatsyenderasana, Uttranpadasana, Gomukhasana, Vajarasana, Chakrasana, Pawan Muktasana, Matasyasana, Dhanurasana, Nokasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Tratak, Shalabhasana, Surya Namaskar and Suksham Vyayam
    3. Pranayam Sheetali, Ujjai, Anulom - Vilon, Bhastrika, Bharamrthi, Seetkari, Suryabhedi

B. Paper: Second Paper

Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. Massage:
    1. Massage Manipulations
    2. Speciality of Massager
    1. Therapeutic uses of massage and its limitations
  1. Food Therapy:
    1. Salad, Sprouts, Juices and Fruits
    2. White Poison - Sugar, White Flour, Vegetables Ghee
  2. Human Body: Physiology and Anatomy
  3. Health and Nature
    1. Pollution Air, Water and Sound
    2. Importance of Vegetative Kingdom for Human existence
    3. Ill Effects of Chemicals
  4. Varios Diseases and their Naturopathic Treatment: Constipation, Asthama, Insomnia, Blood Pressure (High and Low), Obesity, Diabetes, Stress, Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, Jaundice, Cold, Fever, Epistaxis, Sun, Stroke and Blood Disorder

C. Viva

Maximum Marks: 100

D. Practical

Maximum Marks: 100

C.E.N.Y (Six Month Course)

  1. History of naturopathy
    1. Nature
    2. Naturopathy
  2. Health and Nature Cure.
  3. Ram Nam and Nature Cure.
    1. Ram Nama
  4. Wrong eating habit.
  5. Gandhian Philosophy of Nature Cure.
  6. Five Elements
  7. Foreign Matters
  8. Raw Eating
  9. Acute and chronic Diseases
  10. Shat Karm, Yog and Prana

Certification in Elementry Naturopathy & Yoga (Pravesh)

Course 1: Certificate in Elementry Naturopathy & Yoga (C.E.N.Y.)

Six Months Course (formerly Pravesh)

Eligibility Criteria

Tenth class or equivalent exception can be made in the case of the personal who have an exception of Nature Cure & Yoga of atleast 10 years and have proficiency in reading and writing Hindi/English.


Number of Papers: One
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. History of Naturopathy
  2. Health and Nature Cure
  3. Ram Nam and Nature Cure
  4. Wrong Eating Habit
  5. Gandhian Philosophy of Nature Cure
  6. Five Elements - Space, Air, Water, Earth
  7. Foreign Matters - Definition, Origin and Effects on Body
  8. Raw Eating - Method and Important
  9. Acute and Chronic Diseases - Definition and Clinical Features
    1. Shat Karm, Yog and Pranayam
    2. Asan - Katichakrasana, Tadasana, Konasana, Padamasana, Shavasana, Paschimaotansana, Ardhmatsyenderasana, Uttranpadasana, Gomukhasana, Vajarasana, Chakrasana, Pawan Muktasana, Matasyasana, Dhanurasana, Nokasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Tratak, Shalabhasana, Surya Namaskar and Suksham Vyayam
    3. Pranayam Sheetali, Ujjai, Anulom - Vilon, Bhastrika, Bharamrthi, Seetkari, Suryabhedi

·  DNYS - Three and Half Years Course

  1. Natural Hygiene & Public Health
    1. Public Health

Certification in Naturopathy & Yoga Technique (Upcharak)

Course 3: Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (D.N.Y.S.)

Three and Half Years Course (including six months House Job)

Eligibility Criteria

Senior Secondary (10+2) or Intermedicate or C.N.Y.T. (Formerly Upcharak) or One/Two Year Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga form state or central Govt. Recognisd Institution of Diploma in Natuorpathy from Arogya Mandir Gorakhpur. Medical Graduate recognised by Govt. & Registered with the respective medical councils are eligible to enroll himself (M.B.B.S, M.D., M.S., B.D.S, B.A.M.S., B.U.M.S.,B.

PHARMA, NURSING DEGREE) directly for the DNYS IInd year course thus they can complete the course with in two and half year duration.

There will also be an additional compulsory paper of general science (100 Marks) for eligible candidate of DNYS Ist year examination who have not studied & passed Biology at Intermediate Examination or CNYT.


DNYS - First Year

A. Paper: First Paper
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. Natural Hygiene and Public Health:
    1. Aims and Basic Principles of disease prevention
    2. Development of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health
    3. Community Sanitation and Hygiene
      1. Water Supply
      2. Environment Sanitation
      3. Health laws for food
    4. Personal Hygiene: Sun Bath, Colon Hygiene, Rest, Sleep, Personl Cleanliness, Hygiene of eating and drinking
    5. School Hygiene
    6. Din-charya and Ritu-charya
    7. Health Destroying Habits: Pan, Smoking, Tea, Coffee, Drinks
  2. First Aid
    1. Accident Condition
    2. Stopping of Haemorrhage
    3. Type of Bandages
    4. Type of Splint
    5. Fracture and general management
    6. Drawing
    7. Duties of medical practitioners
    8. First Aid in bum injury
  3. General Study of Pathology
    1. Study of sick cells, Functions of Tissues
    2. Inflammation - causes, incubation, vascular phenomenon, Cellular Responses
    3. Gangrene - Dry, Moist and Gas
    4. Repair - Regeneration, Promoting factors
    5. Necrosis
    6. Neoplasm - Carcinogen, Difference between Benign and Malignant Tumours
    7. Digestive Disorders: Peptic Ulcer, Gastritis, Constipation, Dysentery, Jaundice, Cirrhosis of Liver, Ascities, Amoebiasis and Ulcerative Colitis
    8. Cardiovascular Disorders: Rhemuatic fever, congenital heart disease, Heart Failure, Varicose Veins, Hypertension and Hypotension
    9. Respiratory Diseases: Sinusitis, Asthama, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Bronchiectasis, Pneumonia and Tuberculosis
    10. Endocring Disorders: Diabetes, Hyperpituitaries, Hypopitutarism, Hyp and Hyper-thyroidism
B. Paper: Second Paper
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. Systems and their functions:
    1. Bones and their functions
    2. Skeleton Muscle, Cardiac Muscle, Visceral Muscle and their functions
    3. Blood Lymph and its functions
    4. Spleen and its functions
    5. Digestive System, Salivary Glands, Gastric Juice, Pancreatic Juice, Bile Juice, Absorption and Assimilition
    6. Excretory System: Kidney and their function, skin
    7. Respiratory System: Respiration, Carriage of Oxygen into Blood
    8. Central Nervous System: Brain and its functions, Nerves and their functions, Autonomous Nerves and their functions
    9. Circulatory System: Heart and its functions, Pulmonary circulations, Portal system
    1. Special Senses and their functions: Eye, Ear, Nose, Skin and Tongue
    2. Endocrines: Functions of Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, Adrenal and Gonads
  1. Anatomy:
    1. Structure of cell, tissues of the body
    2. Bones and their relationship with parts of body
    3. Muscle of legs, hands, trunk, face and eyes
    4. Important joints
    5. The Digestive System: Mount, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum, Liver, Pancreas
    6. The Reproductive System: Male and Female reproductive organs
    7. Respiratory System: Nose, Pharynx, Trachea, Lungs
    8. Circulatory System: Heart, Blood essels and Lymphatic system
    9. The Nervous System: Autonomous Nervous System, Brain, Spinal Cord, Cranial Nervers
    10. Special Sense Organs: Tonge, Nose, Eye, Ear and Skin
    11. Endorine System: The pineal gland, the Pituitary gland, Thymus, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal gland, Pancreas and Gonads
    12. The Excretory System: Kidney, Ureter, Urniary, Bladder, Urethra, Skin
C. Viva
Maximum Marks: 60
D. Practical
Maximum Marks: 20
E. Sessional/Project Work
Maximum Marks: 20

DNYS - Second Year

A. Paper: First Paper
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. Philosophy of Nature Cure:
    1. History and the Principle of Nature Cure
    2. Gandhian Philosophy of Nature
    3. Panchtantra and laws of Nature
    4. Method of Nature of Preservation and importance, general health, fasting, Natural diet, Excercise, Regular habits, Rest and Relaxation hunger etc.
    5. How to acquire natural immunity to diseases?
    6. Healing Crisis and Diseases Crises
    7. Toxins and Anti toxins and their eliminations
    8. Supporession of disease and its consequences
    9. Importance of right mental attitude
    10. Vaccination and their ill effects
  2. Science of Facical Expression
    1. Foreign matter theory - Definition and formation of foreign matter
    2. Accumulation of foreign matter, liquids and solids, dry and gaseous form
    3. Bad habits and accumulation of foreign matter
    4. Encumbrances - types and characters
    1. Elimination of foreign matter and how to increase the vitality
B. Paper: Second Paper
Maximum Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
  1. Nature Cure Methods and Practice
  2. Hydrotherapy
    1. Physical Properties of wATER
    2. Principal of Hydrotherapy
    3. Physiological effects of water applications, respiration, digestion, action and reaction
    4. Classification of Hydrotherapy Prescriptions
      1. Primary Effects
      2. Excitant Effects
    5. Internal Excitation
    6. Secondary Exitant Effects
      1. Restorative effects
      2. Tonic effects
      3. Expectroant effects
      4. Resultive and Derivative effects
    7. General and Local Sedative effects
    8. The technique of Hydrotherapy:
      1. Water drinking
      2. Effusions
      3. Irrigation-irration of nose, stomach, colon and recium
      4. Douches, Scotch Douche, Spinal Douche, Alternate Douche
      5. Packs: Chest packs, Trunk packs, Partic packs, T. packs, Leg Packs, Local Packs, Full Wet Sheet Packs
      6. Baths: Hip Bath, Spinal Bath, Sitz, Foot Bath, Imersion Baths
      7. Vapour Baths, Steam Bath and Air Baths, Ice treatments
  3. Mud Therapy
    1. Types of Mud
    2. Collection and properties of mud
    3. Mud Poultices
    4. Genral and Local Mud Applications
    5. The Physiological and Pathological effects and Contraindications
  1. Chromo Therapy
    1. Types of Colours - Primary and Secondar
    2. Chromophyllosphy
    3. Chromo Hygiene
    4. Limitations of Chromo therapy
    5. Physiological use of Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Infra-Red and Ultra-Violet
    6. Charging of Air, Water, Oils, Foodstuffs, Clycerin Vaseline, Raw Sugar, Milk, Rose-Water etc.
C. Viva
Maximum Marks: 100
D. Practical:Every student will be required to undergo minimum 10-15 days practical training
Maximum Marks: 20
E. Sessional/Project Work

Maximum Marks: 100



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